The purpose of this article is to familiarize the user with the Profiles -> Drivers page found on the admin site navigation menu under Web Management.
Current drivers are drivers who have been linked to a track or series by participating in past events or by being manually added through the Manage Drivers page.
Add Driver - Click the Add Driver button in the top-right to access a form used to add a driver to the list of current drivers.
Invite to Claim - Click the Invite to Claim button to access a form used to send a mass email invitation to current drivers with instructions for claiming a profile.
Print Driver Roster - Click the button Print Driver Roster to print a list of current drivers by class.
Un-linked Drivers - Click the Un-linked Drivers button to access a form that will display any drivers who appear in results for a track/series, but are not linked as a current driver. The form provides an option to link any drivers listed.
Driver Finishes - Click Driver Finishes to access a form used to search results across the MRP network for top finishes of your current drivers.
Default Car # - Use this field to set the default car number for a driver.
Default Transponder - Use this field to set the default transponder ID number for a driver.
Status - Use this field to set the status of a driver to Active, Disabled, Archived or Pending.
Remove - Click the red X icon to remove a driver from the list of current drivers.
Filter - Use the Filter form to filter the displayed list of current drivers by Class, Status or Name.
See Also:
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