The purpose of this article is to explain how admins can see if forms added to the MyRacePass registration process (i.e. tax forms, waivers, pit stall requests, ect.) have been turned in. This article will also show how you can edit this as part of the registration confirmation process.
Confirming Forms have been turned in
In Season Mangement -> Registrations the confirmation process has not changed. You can see that process at the bottom of the help center page here:
Once you've clicked on the "Confirm" button, you'll see an added check box that says "Has All Forms?"
Check this box if all of the external forms have been turned in. If they have not been turned in, leave this un-checked. You can come back and edit this check-box after the competitor has turned in the forms.
Editing the "Has All Forms" Option After Confirmation
To edit this selection AFTER the initial confirmation, click on that edit button to the right of their confirmation and choose "Additional Information" to get to this window:
Here you can edit the check box at any time to reflect that the competitor turned the forms in after confirming the registration.
Verifying Forms have been turned in
If a driver's registration has already been confirmed, and you want to verify if those forms have been turned in, you can do so by clicking on the edit button to the right of their confirmation, and clicking on "View Registration Form." That will bring you to the following page:
You can see here a new field has been added to show if the forms have been confirmed. To edit this selection AFTER the initial confirmation, click on that same edit button, and this time choose "Additional Information to get to this window:
Here you can edit the check box if they turn the forms in at a later date after confirming the registration.
Verifying Forms in the Entry Screen
On race night, you can easily see who has turned in forms during the driver entry process.
This will allow you to see who has turned in the proper paperwork.
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